Monday, September 13, 2010

Our first work day found us working on 2 house projects side by side. On one house we placed another layer of cement blocks for the foundation, then cemented them in. On the other house we began to dig out the foundation. We worked up a good sweat today. I know I'll sleep well tonight- at least I hope so. Tomorrow we will continue our work on the two houses. We got to work side by side with many Esperanza program participants. I haven't got all their names down yet, but I'll keep working on it tomorrow.
Meeting with Eduardo Zavala, the Volunteer Coordinator/Project Manager was delightful and inspiring as always. He speaks of his country and the work he does with such passion. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious! Tonight's dinner crew prepared a wonderful chicken stir-fry with lots of vegetables. It was delicious! Everyone is relaxing this evening. I wonder if anyone will be up for some salsa dancing. We'll see...


1 comment:

  1. no one will be able to compete with Ron's salsa moves!
